Seorang pemilik usaha UKM, pada umumnya akan mengalami transisi kepemimpinan ketika usahanya berkembang. Pemilik UKM akan mengalami transisi dari seseorang yang berperan mengatur semua aspek dalam bisnisnya, menjadi sosok yang harus fokus ke manajemen dan melakukan delegasi tugas lainnya ke tim. Transisi dari seorang ‘pengusaha’ seorang diri menjadi seorang ‘pemimpin’ dari tim inilah yang sering […]
Berdasarkan data dari Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM di bulan Juni 2022, terdapat sekitar 17 juta UKM yang sudah ada dalam ekosistem digital. Jumlah ini mencakup sekitar 29% dari kesuluruhan jumlah UKM yang telah mencapai 65 juta unit usaha. Jumlah ini banyak didorong oleh situasi kala pandemi, dimana banyak kegiatan jual-beli terjadi dari rumah. Mengingat besarnya […]
Dalam perjalanannya, sebuah bisnis banyak menghadapi tantangan di setiap tahapan perkembangannya. Mengetahui tantangan di setiap tahapan perkembangan bisnis ataupun tantangan yang spesifik dihadapi UKM, dapat membantu pemilik UKM untuk mempersiapkan berbagai strategi agar usaha tetap berjalan. Strategi ini tidak hanya dilakukan untuk bertahan, tapi juga dapat dilakukan untuk mengembangkan usaha. Mari kita lihat beberapa tantangan […]
Sudah tidak asing lagi bagi kita fakta bahwa kehidupan sehari-hari kita dibantu dan didukung oleh berbagai usaha atau bisnis yang ada di sekitar kita. Mulai dari membeli kebutuhan sembako di toko kelontong terdekat, membeli sayur di pasar, hingga membeli makanan via aplikasi. Toko kelontong, penjual sayur di pasar, hingga perusahaan penyedia aplikasi, merupakan bentuk bisnis […]
BY FEBRI KORIYANI Hybrid or remote work has been very helpful for employees in many ways including balancing their work-life integration and balance. This is especially true for white collar workers, or information-worker jobs. This is especially become challenging when it comes to blue collar worker or frontliners in service and hospitality industries. Research by […]
BY FEBRI KORIYANI Before pandemic, companies were able to give benefits and perks to their employee by providing many facilities in the office. For example, lunch in the office, game room, gym, and the list go on. With current workforce prefer to work in hybrid setting or fully remote, some companies even considering change to […]
BY FEBRI KORIYANI In the midst current changes in business world, shifting into a learning organization is becoming one of the key for a business to last and survive. Learning organization means that the company facilitates the learning of all its members and continuously transform itself. This importance of learning in an organization can be […]
BY FEBRI KORIYANI Before pandemic, most of our recruitment process were done offline. Based in survey by Workest, 58% interview done in-person, and 28% done both in-person & virtual. Now that economy and businesses are starting to bounce back, and a lot of offices are calling their employee back to office, recruitment process are also […]
BY FEBRI KORIYANI Corporate Culture or Organizational Culture commonly defined as set of values, beliefs, and behaviors embraced, perceived, or established in an organization. Many indicate that strong Corporate Culture is associated with better performance. Research by Kotter shows that a strong Company Culture are associated with strong financial results. More recent research from Akpa, […]
BY FEBRI KORIYANI Even before the pandemic, employee well-being and engagement has always been main topics management put in their agenda. Post the pandemic, these topics are even more so prioritized. Adding the fact that our working place is changing, employees are scattered geographically, virtual communication becomes the key touch points, and that working arrangement […]
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