In the midst current changes in business world, shifting into a learning organization is becoming one of the key for a business to last and survive. Learning organization means that the company facilitates the learning of all its members and continuously transform itself. This importance of learning in an organization can be is supported by a pulse survey that showed 88% organizations rated building skills and capabilities are going to be a topmost priority. This puts the importance of L&D in a company. But, with current hybrid setup becoming the new norm, delivering L&D becoming yet another set of challenge a company has to tackle. 

L&D Infrastructure  

First thing first, we must ensure that our L&D infrastructure available and function properly. Usually, learning infrastructure involved the platforms (physically or digitally), services, and people that provide and support the delivery. For hybrid setup of L&D, some of the aspects in learning infrastructure must be changed, especially into digital content or platforms. To ensure smooth transition and delivery, we can use tools that’s already familiar to our employee. If we must implement new tools or technology, we can integrate the implementation on previous tools, or by ensuring we do a proper communication and step-by-step use of the tools. It would be better if we have a point of contact, where our employee can ask any question about the new tools.  

Make Learning Flexible  

With many of our employee are now working remotely, they have more flexibility to manage their time. Hence, making learning material accessible anytime and anywhere is important. Especially, we want to make our learning programs and events not disruptive. Many employees consider classes or trainings as a time away from doing their job, and to become a learning organization, we don’t want that. Anne McSilver in her Linkedin article mentioned about microlearning, where learning materials arranged in bite-sized, so employee has more time to process and implement the learning before moving to new learning material. Bite-sized learning can also help support learning flexibility.  

Prioritizing Tech Skills, and include soft skills 

Prioritizing tech skills doesn’t mean we prioritize our tech team. This means that we prioritize tech-related skills to support our employee in the future workplace. For example, we can conduct a training about social media analytics tools to our marketing team, or conduct a specialized spreadsheet training to our sales team to increase sales data record and analysis. Also to help our employee facing the future of work, soft skills are essential for supporting resilience of our employee in facing the ever-changing future workplace.   


To sum,  

Building L&D in hybrid is not simply migrating every learning into digital platform, but also involves other aspects such us materials, programs, and needs of both employee and business. Investment return in L&D might not be direct, but transforming into learning organization can ensure return and organization sustainability in the future.  

LinkedIn: Stevland Bridge
Instagram: @stevlandbridge

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