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HR Business Partner Services
Supporting a Tech StartUp Company with continuous and regular HR Strategic Assistance as well as training and building HR framework and system starting from on Boarding to performance management
Corporate Identity and Values Creation
Facilitate Strengthening a Law firm with Leading Clients’ corporate identity and values and principle creation. This is an integrated program from starting from management strategic discussion, survey, up to values and behavior creation
Accelerated Leadership Development Program
We design and develop an integrated development program for Leading local chocolate product company that is heading global. The program is assigned for 3 leadership level – junior, supervisor, and manager. This parallel program run for 6 months and includes Workshop and Training, Run a project and presentation, as well as Coaching and Mentoring. We deliver it in fresh and engaging approach that create excitement
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Annual Be A Leader Program
Delivering regular annual leadership capability development program for largest consumer goods company globally and in Indonesia. This program is for Leaders in manufacturing and supply chain division that covers from team management up to industrial relation area
High Performing Team
Facilitating high performing sales team training for largest consumer goods company globally and in Indonesia. The sales teams are in the head office and sales area in
several cities in Indonesia to drive performance through team alignment, common norms creation, and action plan
Leadership Intervention
Delivering Leadership intervention program workshop to drive proactivity, business acumen and reducing silo mindset for Leading Infrastructure company in Indonesia.
People Manager Intervention
Delivering workshop and training to drive capability and mindset to behave and act as a leader that develop their team and support their performance and learning for Technology and Design company.
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Integrated Values Leadership Alignment
Delivering leadership and team intervention through integrated tools and program to reach maximum impact for Leading Oil and Gas Company Globally and Indonesia. The program consist of simulations, Office Fun Competition, and Employee Involvement
Introduction for performance Management
Workshop about why KPI is important and how we can deliver an effective performance management for Leading book publisher and content developer
Owner and Management Alignment
Facilitating High Level alignment between owner and new management to drive performance for Leading HPL and Carpet producer in Indonesia
Driving Leadership and Agility
Delivering Team Capability building for specific area of leadership and agility through simulations and games for Global American company who is market leader for innovative product. This program was aligned and directed from Regional office in Singapore and involve CEO and board in designing the program